Phase 1 of Ethical AI

  • Bussiness Understanding
  • Data understanding
  • Data Preparation
  • Develop and evaluate
Your Name
Choose relevant Ethic values:
Who are the end users?
Does the diversity of the end users affect their capacities to interpret, understand and use the product?

Phase 2: Data understanding

(Only applicable if sensitive data)

How was the data collected?

Upload agreements (if applicable)

Does the data transfer and storage comply to Right to Privacy, and Data Protection law defined by the unesco?

Phase 3: Data preparation

Can you talk about your past work experience?

What are the measures taken to protect the data from malicious threats?
Dataset Skewness
Data Storage Location
Data Size (MB)
Data Storage length (in days)
Upload Graph that visualizes the skewness of the data

Phase 4:

Develop and evaluate

Calculate Carbon Footprint of the process
Hours Used
Robustness Metrics used:


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Here is your report template: